Teaching Lesson
Teaching Lesson
The use of microcontrollers is pervasive within our society. Microcontrollers such as Arduino’s™, Raspberry Pi’s™, Makey Makey’s™, (and many others) are used by students, educators, and professionals to fulfill our needs and wants.
Your challenge is to develop, deliver a demonstration, and reflect on a lesson about a facet(s) of microcontrollers as teaching tools for electrical theory, circuitry, components, or electronic control technology. For this year’s challenge, you should create a lesson to demonstrate how microcontrollers are utilized to protect persons interacting with the system you have built. If your safety/protective system is too large for demonstration purposes, you may discuss or illustrate the more extensive system and demonstrate only the safety/protective sub-system. Note: You should choose carefully; microcontrollers make very effective hands-on lessons. Be cautious in choosing just the right amount of content for a 15-minute lesson.
Please review the Teaching Lesson Instructions thoroughly.
Contestants must make arrangements for their projector and laptop.
Contestants must email their lesson plans and provide the judges with a copy (up to 5 judges).
Professor Steven Miller, North Carolina State University